
This version of Bit has entered End of Service, this means that it will no longer receive new features, and bug fixes have been heavily reduced. Due to this we do NOT recommend using this version and instead updating to newer versions of Bit!

This guide is unfinished! We recommend following discord.js's guide for commands found here

Command Example

const { EmbedBuilder, version: discordVersion, SlashCommandBuilder } = require('discord.js')
const moment = require('moment');

module.exports = {
	data: new SlashCommandBuilder()
            de: 'info',
            fr: 'info',
		.setDescription('Get advanced information about the bot.')
            de: 'Erhalten Sie erweiterte Informationen über den Bot.',
            fr: 'Obtenez des informations avancées sur le bot.',
	async execute(interaction) {
        const client = interaction.client
        var lan = 'en'
        const locale = require('../locale/'+lan+'.json')

        const botUptime = moment.duration(client.uptime).format(' D [days], H [hrs], m [mins], s [secs]');
        const memUsage = (process.memoryUsage().heapUsed / 1024 / 1024).toFixed(2);
        var d = new Date();
        var n = d.getFullYear();
        const embed = new EmbedBuilder()
                { name:, value: "", inline: true },
                { name: locale.misc.developer, value: "Lockyz Media", inline: true },
                { name: locale.misc.uptime, value: botUptime, inline: true },
                { name: locale.misc.memory, value: `${Math.round(memUsage)} MB`, inline: true },
                { name: locale.misc.discordJS, value: `v${discordVersion}`, inline: true },
                { name: locale.misc.node, value: `${process.version}`, inline: true },
                { name: locale.misc.version, value: "v5.2.3", inline: true },
            .setFooter({ text: locale.misc.copyrightText.replace('{year}', n)});
        interaction.reply({ embeds: [embed] })

Last updated

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