This guide is unfinished! We recommend following discord.js's guide for commands found here
Bit has some custom data inserted into the regular discord.js command object. Please read the following command example for information on this!
Command Example
const { EmbedBuilder, version: discordVersion, SlashCommandBuilder } = require('discord.js')
const moment = require('moment');
const language = require('../../../config.json')
module.exports = {
cooldown: 5,
// Sets if the command can be used with the bot as a user-installed app or a guild-installed app.
integration_types: {
user: false,
guild: true,
// Sets if the command can be used in a guild-channel, the bots DMs or a private channel (only works IF the command is user-installable, group DMs and regular user DMs)
context_types: {
guildChannel: true,
botDM: true,
privateChannel: true,
data: new SlashCommandBuilder()
de: 'info',
fr: 'info',
.setDescription('Get advanced information about the bot.')
de: 'Erhalten Sie erweiterte Informationen über den Bot.',
fr: 'Obtenez des informations avancées sur le bot.',
async execute(interaction) {
const client = interaction.client
var lan = language;
const locale = require('../../../locale/'+lan+'.json')
const botUptime = moment.duration(client.uptime).format(' D [days], H [hrs], m [mins], s [secs]');
const memUsage = (process.memoryUsage().heapUsed / 1024 / 1024).toFixed(2);
const guildSize = client.guilds.cache.size.toString();
const userSize = client.users.cache.size.toString();
var d = new Date();
var n = d.getFullYear();
const embed = new EmbedBuilder()
{ name:, value: "", inline: true },
{ name: locale.misc.developer, value: "Robin Painter", inline: true },
{ name: locale.misc.guilds, value: guildSize, inline: true },
{ name: locale.misc.users, value: userSize, inline: true },
{ name: locale.misc.uptime, value: botUptime, inline: true },
{ name: locale.misc.memory, value: `${Math.round(memUsage)} MB`, inline: true },
{ name: locale.misc.discordJS, value: `v${discordVersion}`, inline: true },
{ name: locale.misc.node, value: `${process.version}`, inline: true },
{ name: locale.misc.version, value: "v5.2.0", inline: true },
{ name: locale.misc.bugTracker, value: "", inline: true },
.setFooter({ text: locale.misc.copyrightText.replace('{year}', n)});
interaction.reply({ embeds: [embed] })
Last updated
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